What to Expect with Ultrasound Done at 19th Week of Pregnant with Pictures

By the 19th week of your pregnancy, you will be halfway through your pregnancy with clear feeling of your baby moving about the amniotic sac, punching and kicking with full force. Your baby will grow about a centimeter every week after the fifth month of your pregnancy. It is still a good idea to visit your doctor and take an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy is progressing healthily. The 19 weeks pregnant ultrasoundwill show the growth of your baby. Keep reading to find out what to expect from your ultrasound and what changes you will experience in your body.

What to Expect from a 19 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

For parents, it is quite exciting to watch the ultrasound with help of the doctor. On the graphic image, you baby's bones looks white, and the soft tissues appear grey with speckles. For the black part, it is the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby. The doctor can help you to recognize specific organs of the baby, and show your little one's heart baby.

When going for an ultrasound at 19 weeks pregnant,you should know that a healthy baby is usually about 6 inches long with a body weight of up to 8.5oz. Your baby's skin will start to develop more quickly – it will be transparent and looks red mainly because of blood vessels. There will also be a creamy white protective coating on your baby's skin –also known as vernix.

Ultrasound makes use of high frequency of sound waves to record images of your unborn baby. It will also help confirm your due date and check the amount of fluid around your unborn baby. Your doctor can also detect any abnormalities in your baby, which helps determine the best treatment option.

Here is a video illustrating a 19 weeks pregnant ultrasound:

19 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound Pictures

Picture 1 shows a close up of a baby girl at 19 weeks and 3 days pregnant.



Picture 2 is an ultrasound image that shows the foot and leg of a baby girl at 19 weeks 3 days pregnant.



In picture 3, as you can see, the gender of the baby is revealed in the ultrasound.


For more pictures about ultrasound at 19 weeks pregnant, please click HERE.

How to Prepare for a 19 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

You basically don't need much preparation for the ultrasound.It is important to have some fluid in the bladder, but be sure not to be uncomfortably full. This will ensure that your doctor can clearly see the inside area of your abdomen.

Although there is no restriction on what you should or should not wear, you will be better off wearing comfortable clothing to provide your radiologist with an easy access to your abdominal area. Another important thing is to ensure that you don't bring young children with you. Although it is not harmful for them to be in the same room where you're having the ultrasound, they can become restless and distract your radiologist. This may make them miss some important information. Be sure to arrange childcare before you take an ultrasound screening.

Your Body Changes at 19 Weeks Pregnant

As an expectant mom, there will be some changes as well. You are more likely to deal with mid-pregnancy aches at this stage. Dizziness, lower abdominal achiness, leg cramps, constipation, heartburn, backache, and mild swelling of feet and ankles are common during 19 weeks of pregnancy. You may also start to see tiny red marks on your shoulders, face and arms – they are basically dilated blood vessels, which is temporary.

For more 19 Weeks information, including the baby development, diet chocies, click HERE to find more.

Caring Tips for 19 Weeks Pregnant

Your 19 weeks pregnant ultrasoundwill confirm the essential development of your baby. By the middle of your pregnancy term, your baby's ears and hearing abilities will develop quite a bit. Therefore, it is important to stay in a quiet environment to avoid the bad influence due to loud noises. Since your baby can now listen to your voice, it is a great time to start talking to your baby.Your partner and other family members can also talk to the baby, so he/she could become familiar with their voices.You may even consider playing soothing music such as classical or jazz to help your baby feel calm and happy.

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