2- to 3-Year-Old Development

How tall is the average 3 year old? Parents may be curious about this question. Apart from the physical development, toddlers at 2-3 years focus on learning more about themselves. They will have a growing sense of independence which is often referred to as the “terrible twos” because of the challenges this can pose to parents. This time can be frustrating, but also quite exciting as your child starts to develop the emotional, social and thinking skills they need to make sense of the world. It is important to remember that these children are still babies and need plenty of guidance from their caregivers as well.

2- to 3-Year-Old Development Milestone

Every child develops in their own unique way, so while you can predict the sequence of key milestones, it is impossible to tell when they will arrive. A child’s environment and unique experiences will also have a significant impact on when they reach specific milestones. This guide is intended to provide an estimate for common 2- to 3-year-old development, including things like how tall is the average 3 year old, but you will need to consider the unique context of your child’s development as you try to anticipate the changes in your child.

1. Average Height and Weight

Average Height and Weight for 2 Year Olds





33.2-34.9 inches

33.8-35.4 inches


23.3-27.5 pounds

24.8-28.9 pounds

Average Height and Weight for 2 1/2 Year Olds





34.6-36.6 inches

35.0 - 37.0 inches


26.7 - 31.1 pounds

27.8 - 32.2 pounds

Average Height and Weight for 3 Year Olds





36.0-38.1 inches

36.5 - 38.6 inches


28.4-33.4 pounds

29.5-34.3 pounds

2. Physical Skills

Toddlers are confident in their physical skills, but they may not have the control to know when to stop and test limits on physical activities. Parents need to watch closely and enforce limits to prevent injury. They should learn how to perform activities like jump, kick a ball or climb stairs if they have not already. They may also be ready to learn how to dress and undress at this stage.

3. Cognitive Development

Your child’s understanding of language is more progressed than their understanding of the world around them, so it’s important to introduce new concepts in a way that is easy for them to manage. Toddlers have difficulty understanding the difference between things that are real or imaginary, which means they will appreciate make-believe play. They may enjoy scribbling and drawing, but will not usually make pictures. They may also believe their parents can read their minds which can cause some confusion.

4. Language Development

Toddlers learn words very quickly, though they may not be ready to create clear sentences yet, perhaps confusing concepts such as “you and me.” Children that can communicate their needs more easily will usually be more talkative because this elicits a response from others. Try naming things and practicing short sentences to facilitate this change. Your child should be able to say words clearly even if they do not use them properly. By 3 they should be able to follow instructions without difficulty.

5. Social and Emotional Development

Toddlers are starting to learn about relationships and developing a sense of empathy, but they may not yet be ready for sharing or controlling their impulses as they interact with others. They will enjoy playing with other children and mimicking adults as they learn how to better use these skills. They may start to throw tantrums and embrace the word “no” as they start to take control of their world.

Signs That Suggest a Developmental Problem

Each child develops at their own pace so just because they are not at the developmental stage that is the same as others around them does not mean that there is necessarily something wrong. If you find that there are warning signs that your child is missing developmental cues you can always speak to your doctor about your concerns.

Potential problems include children who have a limp or do not run smoothly. If they cannot climb onto low furniture or stairs without difficulty or seem less active than children around them. If your child throws frequent tantrums and does not speak clearly enough to let their caregiver know they need something, or do not appear to be trying to use words this is also a sign of difficulty. Watch to see if your child does not seem interested in interacting with adults or other children and appears to be in their own world much of the time or if they appear to lack the ability to feed themselves.

The following video explains more on 2- to 3-year-old development and how you can help them grow healthily and happily:

Tips on Taking Care of Your 2- to 3-Year-Old

1. Pay Attention to Safety

Toddlers are more active which means you will need to pay attention to keep them safe. Do not allow your child to go unsupervised when they are around water which could pose a drowning risk. Always ensure that your child is buckled in properly when in their car seat. Watch when they are feeding themselves to ensure they will not choke and remove broken toys or small objects within their reach which pose a similar hazard. Also do not allow your child to hold hot food or drinks that could spill and cause a burn.

2. Ensure Health of Your Baby

If you employ a child care provider, talk to them about what kind of food and drinks they serve and how much exercise the children get. If your child is a picky eater this is normal and can change. Rather than making a production out of it, offer bites to taste and avoid giving them excessive attention for bad behavior. Limit television time and activities on electronic devices to 1-2 hours a day and do not allow these devices in the bedroom. Instead encourage free play that helps to develop their motor skills.

3. Perform Interactive Activities

Playing in an interactive way will help your child learn how different things work. Encourage indoor and outdoor activities which are open-minded and encourage your child to explore activities such as dress-up or making a fort out of cardboard boxes.

Allowing your child to play with others will teach them how to make friends and how to socialize properly. They may not be ready to share or take turns so do not be discouraged if this poses a challenge.

4. Encourage Daily Skills

Encouraging your child to learn the skills they need to care for themselves is essential. Dressing, undressing, feeding themselves or using silverware can all make ideal goals.

5. Talk Constantly

Naming things that your child interacts with can help them learn new words. Start including adjectives such as colors or sizes to describe objects. Respond to things your child says by rephrasing questions to start encouraging proper grammar.

6. Read to Him/ Her

Reading to your toddler encourages imagination and language skills. Reciting rhymes, singing songs or making up your own stories are also fun activities that spur development.

7. Encourage Movement

You will need to remove hazards such as sharp objects which could make your home unsafe, but still encourage your child to move around and explore. This helps build self-confidence while making your child feel reassured.

8. Prepare for Toilet Training

Do not push toilet training before your child is ready, but watch for signs that your child could be understanding their body and its needs more effectively. Start teaching them what is involved in using the toilet and offer praise when they seem to understand that they need to use the bathroom. If you start this process too early it could lengthen the time it takes for your child to learn the concept.

9. Try Cooking Together

Having your child help to prepare meals can help them get more interested in eating. Give them simple tasks such as assembling sandwiches or tossing a salad will make them feel like they are taking part. This is also a great way to start teaching math skills like measurements or time as well as how to follow a sequence of instructions.

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