2 Month Old Baby

image001Now that the newborn phase is through, you will begin understanding your 2 month old baby’s personality more deeply. You will become acquainted with his likes and dislikes, and what soothes him or makes him cry. You will also become more adept in dealing with his body, how it works and grows, and how you can encourage its development.

How Is Your 2 Month Old Baby Developing?

1. Height and Weight

Your baby is unique. He develops and meets physical and intellectual standards at his own pace, and you should not be surprised if he begins to mature more quickly or more slowly than other babies. However, standards for normal growth have been set as guidelines for you to see if your baby has any problems with his development. Below is the growth chart for babies who have reached the 2-month mark.

Babies' Average Height and Weight (WHO Child Growth Standards):

Age in Weeks

Length (cm)

Weight (kg)































2. Physical Development

  • Get better with their vision. Your baby’s vision starts developing after two months. Watch as his eyes begin to track your face or hands. You can also wave a toy about 20 cm from his face to see how his eyes try to focus on it. If your baby has problems with his eyes, seek immediate medical attention to get early diagnosis and treatment.
  • Recognize different voices. Your 2 month old baby is now able to differentiate familiar voices from other sounds. He is especially responsive to his parents’ voices and will pay extra attention when he hears them singing or reading aloud to him. Your baby is also becoming a better listener, often looking to see where certain noises are coming from.
  • Grasp and grip more consciously. At this time, your baby will lose his involuntary reflex to grasp objects in front of him. Instead, he will gain the ability to intentionally grip and hold the things he wants to. Notice how he can already keep a tight grip around your finger. It would be best for you to provide your baby with toys which he can use to entertain himself and develop his newfound gripping ability.
  • Gain better control over their body. Your baby is also getting stronger. His neck muscles now allow him to hold his head steady for a few seconds, as opposed to just bobbing around. However, you must still be prepared to provide extra head support when necessary. He can now also lift his upper body with his forearms, straighten his legs, and stand with some support.

3. Social Development

Your baby’s primary means of communicating his needs with you is through crying. There can be many reasons your baby is uncomfortable, so do not be alarmed if he gets upset very frequently. On the other hand, if your baby is happy, you may hear him gurgling, grunting, and cooing. This is usually his response when he recognizes your face and voice.

When your baby turns 2 month old, you'll need to visit the pediatrician. Watch this video to learn how to ask questions about baby vaccination and their development:

How to Take Care of a 2 Month Old Baby

1. Feed Your Baby Properly

Your baby’s appetite may increase dramatically at this point. You may find that while you have only been offering one breast during breastfeeding, your baby will want more milk and you will need to offer both breasts. Aside from demanding more quantities of food, he will also want to be fed more frequently. Respond accordingly and follow his body cycle, trusting his instincts regarding when he should be fed.

Your baby will still need to be fed in the middle of the night, but may need it less frequently as there will also be changes in his sleeping patterns.

2. Sleep Pattern and How to Cope with It

Take note of the changes that will take place in your baby’s sleeping patterns. He will probably be taking naps in one-to-three-hour intervals during the day. At night, his sleep will not be as broken and may last from five to six hours. After every feeding session, your baby is also likely to show signs that he is tired and wants to recharge. Nine to 18 hours of rest within every 24 hours is normal at this stage.

3. Understand Their Crying

Crying episodes usually peak at around two months. There are many things that may cause your babies to cry, even if you attend to their every need. Physical changes in his body that are beyond your control may have something to do with this. For instance, your baby’s nervous system may be maturing, causing him to be overwhelmed by any additional stimulus in his environment. He may also feel overtired or may simply want reassurance. It is best to simply continue responding to his wants and needs, cuddling and taking him for a walk if necessary.

4. Check on Their Bowel Movement

Stool is a great indicator of your baby's wellbeing and comes in a wide variety of colors, consistencies, and frequencies that are all considered healthy and normal. When he starts eating solid foods, you’ll experience a whole new world of hues, textures and smells.

5. Don’t Forget the Tummy Time

Tummy time will help your baby strengthen his neck and trunk and avoid issues that stem from always lying on his back. Just lay back and put your baby on your chest to encourage him to lift his head to see your face. Several short sessions daily will help him grow stronger.

6. Give Your Baby a Massage

Massages will soothe your baby and make him aware of his body. It can also strengthen his immune system, stimulate circulation and relieve digestive upsets. The room must be warm when massaging. Let your baby lie down and gently massage each part of the body separately.

7. Read to Your Baby

When reading to your baby, try varying pitch, using accents, and singing. Choose books with simple text and large, bright pictures you can narrate. You can even use something written for adults. As long as your baby hears the rhythms of your voice, he will learn the cadence of language.

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