37 Weeks Pregnant

image001When you are 37 weeks pregnant, you are at the full term of your pregnancy and by this time, most expectant mothers are tired and ready to have the baby. Although you might still have a few more weeks to go, you should try and keep stress at a minimum. Most babies born during the 37th week do well, but it’s always advised that you wait until after 39 weeks. Most doctors are against inducing labor or performing a C-section unless it’s medically necessary. Try and keep stress at a minimum by keeping yourself occupied.

What Are the Pregnancy Symptoms at 37 Weeks?

Exhaustion is common when you are 37 weeks pregnant and this is mainly due to the extra weight. The expectant mother will experience more pressure within the pelvic bones and the waist line will have expanded greatly. The breasts at this point are also going to be quite enlarged and this is because they are already filled with milk. Colostrum is already being secreted and it’s common for the breasts to leak. Due to all these changes, expectant mothers will experience a lot of sensitivity and some pain in the breasts. Stretch marks are mostly unavoidable in the breast, waist and hip region.

How Does Your Baby Grow When You're 37 Weeks Pregnant?

With your due date drawing closer and closer, your baby’s organs are mostly developed and the baby should weigh about 6 1/3 pounds and measure slightly more than 19 inches. Most babies already have hair at this stage and it’s important to note that the baby’s hair doesn’t necessarily have to be the same color as your hair. Some children from dark haired couples end up having blonde or red hair. While the baby is considered to be fully developed at 37 weeks, doctors don’t consider this to be the full term. This is because the remaining two weeks allow the baby to fully develop their lungs and the brain as well.

You can watch this video and get more information about how your baby grows when you are 37 weeks pregnant:

How Does Your Life Change When You're 37 Weeks Pregnant?

At 37 weeks, the contractions are becoming more frequent and longer. These will be uncomfortable and the expectant mother may notice some vaginal discharge. If you notice a bloody show which is basically mucous with some blood, you can expect labor in the few coming days or much sooner. If you have heavy spotting or bleeding then you might want to call your doctor as soon as possible.

What about Diet at 37 Weeks Pregnancy?

You are 37 weeks pregnant, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot enjoy some yummy snacks or drinks. You can drink: mango smoothies, tomato apple juice and fresh fruit juices. When it comes to snacks, baked banana chips, chicken tikka, vegetable thepla and some fruit salad would help.

1. Foods Bringing on Labor

Pregnancies that go beyond 40 weeks are considered overdue and if the baby is not forthcoming, induction is the next step. As you await induction looming, there are some goods that could help bring on labor. While there are no guarantees, you can still try them. Curry is one of those foods. However, the spices also may irritate your bowels and bring about acidity or heartburns.

2. Snacks and Drinks

Another option is fresh pineapple, and this is because the fruit contain an enzyme known as bromelain that helps soften your cervix. You can make pineapple salads and juices.

More Tips on 37 Weeks Pregnancy

1. Try to Relax

Rest is one of the most important things you can do during pregnancy and it’s always important that you get as much rest as you possibly can. Lie down and try as much as you can to stay on the left side. Exercise can also help if you have the strength, but don’t strain yourself.

2. Maintain a Healthy Balance of Nutrients

Nutrition is essential for both the mother and the baby. Fruits and vegetables cannot be ignored or replaced as they help replenish your body with essential nutrients. Also eat small meals throughout the day.

3. Prepare for Labor

37 weeks is a good time to prepare for labor and you can begin making arrangements with your partner on how you will get to hospital if your water breaks and what to do if your partner is out of reach. Pack early for yourself and the baby as well.

4. Know What to Expect

Expect pressure on the lower pelvis area and on your bladder as well. This is because the baby has already dropped in preparation for birth. For first time mothers, this occurs a few weeks before labor while others may feel this when in labor, especially if this is not the first pregnancy. Contractions will definitely occur during this week and you might want to call your doctor if they become stronger and frequent.

5. Do Not Panic but Call Your Doctor

If you pass the mucus plug, don’t worry. The mucus may come out through increased discharge at once. This is a sign of impending labor. Contractions could make your water to break and there are times when the water breaks without contraction. Remember that different women break their water in different ways. While some may be a big gush of water, other moms-to-be only experience trickles of the water. If this happens, stay calm and call your doctor or have someone near you call your doctor. Whatever the case, don’t panic.

6. Tips for Your Partner

During pregnancy, the mom-to-be needs as much support as possible especially during the 37th week when she is close to delivery. If there is any way to help your partner, now would be the time. Finish preparing the nursery, assemble the crib and also help out with the household chores that she normally takes on. It’s also a good time for the two parents-to-be to spend some time together before the baby comes and you can take her out for a date or prepare something special.

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