When Do Babies Start Growing Hair?

image001As a parent, you must wonder, when do babies start growing hair? Some babies will stay bald for years while others will have a full head of hair as soon as they are born. While there are differences in how babies develop, there are similarities in the patterns of hair growth and the timing for when this growth happens. A parent should not be concerned if their baby appears to have more or less hair than others. It is more important that you understand the best way to properly care for your baby’s hair.

When Do Babies Start Growing Hair?

It can be difficult to predict when your baby will start growing hair because growth patterns have a great deal of variety from child to child. Some babies will have very little hair when they are born while others will already have heads covered in hair. Infants will also lose all the hair they had at birth within the initial 6 months of their life. Sometimes this hair will grow back, though it will have a different texture and color than it did initially. Some babies may be without hair for some time before their hair grows back. Either way is perfectly normal and your child’s hair will grow back even if it takes time before the growth is noticeable.

Frequently Asked Questions About Baby Hair Growing and Care

Besides when do babies start growing hair, you must have many other questions about your baby's hair:

1. Why Do Babies Lose Hair?

All babies will lose their hair, though the timing of when this occurs will vary. The cause of this is unknown, but believed to be linked to altering hormone levels. You can expect to see new hair growth around 9-12 months of age though it is not uncommon for a child to still be bald at age one.

2. How Can I Deal with My Baby’s Bald Spots?

There appears to be an increase in bald spots on child. This may be due to having children sleep on their backs for safety. Encourage “tummy time” when they are awake to allow their head to round out and prevent bald patches.

3. How Can I Remove My Baby’s Cradle Cap?

Cradle cap refers to skin on the scalp that is flaking off. This is not harmful but some may be bothered by it. Simply massage the scalp before washing and wash the hair every other day to help remove the excess skin. Mineral oil can also help nourish the skin to prevent cradle cap.

4. What If My Baby Still Has No Hair?

If your child is not growing hair but their scalp looks healthy with no oozing, redness or scaling then it is likely fine. If you notice these side effects, talk to your doctor about whether or not a topical ointment may help reduce symptoms. If your child is still not growing hair by age 2, talk to your doctor.

5. Does Baby Hair Color Change?

Genetics will largely determine the texture and color of your child’s hair. Your own growth and development could indicate how and when your child’s hair will change. Baby hair is often very fine which could cause it to curl more easily than adult hair. Typically it will straighten out and get darker by age 2-3.

6. Is There an Easier Way to Wash Baby Hair?

Distracting a baby by letting them play will make it easier to rinse their hair. You can also buy a bathtub visor to keep bubbles out of the eyes. You can also try rinsing with a washcloth or detachable shower head instead.

7. Is It Better to Use a Conditioner?

Using conditioner is very helpful because it limits discomfort during brushing. Many children’s shampoos contain conditioner as well. Avoid over-washing as well as using too much soap and save the soap for the end of the bath if you let your child play because this can over-dry the skin.

8. What Is the Best Shampoo for Baby?

Shampoos for children are often advertised as being “tear free” because they are gentle and hurt less if they come in contact with the eyes. Look for shampoos with nourishing natural ingredients. Shampoos with lavender can also soothe your child before bed.

As for how to wash a baby’s hair, please see this video:

9. When Should I Schedule That Pinnacle First Haircut?

There is no set time for a first haircut as it will not harm hair growth. When you feel your child needs a trim, go ahead and get it done. You can trim your child’s hair yourself if you are confident in your abilities.

10. Is It Good to Style My Baby’s Hair?

Some styles can damage your child’s hair, particularly those that pull the hair tight for a long period of time. Tight braids or pigtails should be avoided and you should never perform excessive treatments or manipulation on a baby’s hair.

11. Why Does My Newborn Have Hair on His Shoulders and Ears?

This hair is known as lanugo and it grows on babies in the womb. It usually falls off before the baby is born but some that are born early will still have it. This hair should gradually rub off over time, though it is common for this hair to remain present up to 4-5 months of age.

12. Will Shaving My Baby’s Head Make His Hair Grow Thicker?

This rumor is started because hair looks thicker after it has been cut, but in reality there is no proof that hair actually grows thicker after it has been shaved or cut. The hair just looks healthier with the dried, scraggly ends removed. It will not improve the thickness of your child’s hair if you shave it.

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