32 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Things to Expect

When you are 32 weeks pregnant with twins, the uterus is about the same size as if you were 40 weeks with one baby. Until now, the growth rate of twins has been similar to that of a single baby. After this, twins' growth rate will slow and be somewhat different. There is less room with two, and the placenta becomes less efficient near the end. Twins usually are born sooner than a single baby, often at 36 to 37 weeks.

32 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: What to Expect

1.   Your Babies' Development

  • ŸWeight and Length

The limbs and bodies continue to grow into proportion with the heads. At this point each baby weighs about 3.7 lbs. and is 16.5 inches long.

  • ŸFetal Movement

When you notice that the babies aren't moving as much as before, don't worry. They don't have as much room to wiggle as before. As long as you feel movement, they should be fine.

  • ŸOrgans, Bones and Hair

The twins' organs are maturing, their bones are hardening, and they are growing hair. Their fingernails and toenails have grown in. They are passing copious quantities of water through their tiny bladders. They may experience dream sleep at this stage.

  • ŸFetal Position

At this point, the babies should be preparing for birth by turning in the uterus so their heads point downwards. Your doctor will be monitoring their positions from now on. Some babies will turn around again.

  • ŸHearing

When you are 32 weeks pregnant with twins, your babies' hearing is more developed than ever before. You can talk to them. You can sing to them, too. High-pitched tones capture their attention more at this stage.

2.   Your Symptoms and Body Changes

  • ŸFatigue

By now, you're probably feeling that you'll be tired forever. But take hope–you won't be. Fatigue is caused in part by the extra weight you're carrying, and by the increase of progesterone, a hormone that prepares your body for labor and delivery. Rest as often as you can.

  • ŸBack Pain

Back pain is a frequent visitor now. The physical and hormonal changes you're experiencing contribute to backaches and leg cramps. Try using a cold pack or a heating pad on the trouble spot.

  • ŸFrequent Urination

As the babies grow, your uterus expands until it presses on your bladder, giving you the feeling of constantly have to urinate. It's a very normal symptom during the last trimester. Don't ration water, though. It's vital to keep hydrated.

  • ŸHeart Palpitations

When you are 32 weeks pregnant with twins, you may experience heart palpitations. This is common and comes about because of the increased blood volume, increased progesterone, and the stress of pregnancy. If you are concerned, talk with your doctor.

  • ŸWeight Gain

Because your twins are still growing, you will still be gaining weight. Ideally, you should have gained no more than 25-26 pounds at this point. A normal-sized woman should gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy.

  • ŸOther Symptoms

Normal pregnancy symptoms will include constipation, leg cramps, stretch marks, nosebleeds, vaginal discharge, leaking breasts, heartburn, hemorrhoids, mood swings, contractions, insomnia, shortness of breath, varicose veins, and even nausea.

Possible Risks and Complications of Twin Pregnancy

The most common complications that are associated with twins include premature delivery. Delivery is considered preterm if it comes before 37 weeks. However, with each additional baby the gestation period decreases. Twin pregnancies typically last 36 weeks. Nearly sixty percent of twins are delivered prematurely.

Intrauterine Growth Restriction or IUGR refers to the point at which twin babies' growth slows down as compared to a single baby. The growth slowing occurs because two babies are competing for nourishment, and the placenta is unable to handle more growth.

Preeclampsia is also referred to as toxemia, high blood pressure, and pregnancy induced hypertension. Mothers carrying twins are twice as likely to develop it as with single babies.

Gestational diabetes in a twin pregnancy appears to be the result of increasing insulin resistance, raised placental hormones, and a larger placenta. However, it is still being researched at this time.

Placental abruption, or the separation of the placenta from the uterus wall, is three times as likely to happen in a twin pregnancy. It happens mainly during the third trimester and increases significantly after one baby has been vaginally delivered.

Fetal Demise of one baby is very uncommon. Should it happen, your doctor will determine whether it's best to let the living baby continue to develop a little longer or to take them both right away.

Cesarean Section is not inevitable when you are pregnant with twins. Many times twins are successfully delivered vaginally. Your doctor will determine what is best for you and your twins.

Tips for Twin Pregnancy in 32 Weeks

  • ŸTo avoid heartburn and indigestion, eat smaller, more frequent meals and drink lots of water.
  • ŸTo avoid shortness of breath, prop yourself up with fluffy pillows.
  • ŸEngage in light exercise daily, such as walking or swimming.
  • ŸTake frequent sit-down breaks with your feet elevated to relieve swelling of the ankles or leg cramps.
  • ŸUse witch hazel or over-the-counter preparations for hemorrhoids. Talk to your doctor if they are severe.
  • ŸLying on your left side will improve blood circulation.
  • ŸConsume a calcium-rich diet, eating such foods as yogurt, low-fat cheese and milk, almonds, and leafy green vegetables.

What If My Babies Are Born Now?

If your twins are born at 32 weeks, they are still at some risk of complications, but their chances to survive are very good. They will likely remain in the hospital for about twenty days, including time spent in the NICU.

How About My Delivery Plan?

By week 32 or 33, your babies probably won't change position, so talk with your obstetrician about delivery choices. If both babies are head down, you may be able to deliver vaginally. If the first baby is head down, but the second one is breech, it may still be possible, as long as the babies are close to the same size and the doctor is experienced in delivering a second baby as a breech. If the first baby is breech, regardless of the position of the second baby, a cesarean section will be most likely.

Other Mothers' Experience

"My 32-week scan says that my twin boys weigh 4 pounds 4 ounces and 4 pounds 6 ounces. My doctor says that's a good size. As Twin A is a footling breech, I'll be having a C-section."

"At one day ahead of the due date, Twin A is at 4 lb. 1 oz. But Twin B is only 3 lb. 12 oz., three days behind the due date. At 28 weeks they were within one ounce of each other and measured six days ahead of their due date. I am concerned, but the doctor isn't. I've only gained two pounds over the past four weeks even though I'm eating a lot of food. Probably not the best, however. Lots of pizza and holiday treats. I'm trying to do better, and am drinking lots of water."

"I'm 32 weeks pregnant with twins and get very short-winded and weak legged when climbing stairs. I'm okay just sitting. I'm a teacher and do sometimes gasp for air even while sitting. At my last scan, the babies weighed 4 ½ lbs. and everyone is happy about that."

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