7 Month Milestones

image0017 month old babies usually start to become mobile right around this time. This is when they learn how to move around and explore their world. This is also when your baby will be learning new skills, discovering his or her environment and developing at a rapid rate. You will notice that your baby learns new skills on a daily basis. If you understand the 7 month milestones, you can help your baby’s new talents along.

What Are the Important 7 Month Milestones for a Baby?

1. Main Development




Full color vision begins to develop;

Able to see at further distances;

Improving ability to follow moving objects.

Motor skills

Grabs with raking grasp (pincer grip comes later);

Can roll from back to front and front to back;

Can transfer an object from hand to hand;

Can sit using hands for support, then progresses to sitting unsupported;

Can reach with a single hand;

Can stand and support body on legs.


Works hard at getting an object that is too far away;

Can find an object that is somewhat hidden;

Uses mouth and hands to explore objects.

Social and emotional

Likes to play in social settings with others;

Cries or laughs as an appropriate response to emotions of others;

Likes to look at self in mirror.


Starts to babble stings of consonant sounds;

Knows his or her own name;

Vocalizes happiness or sadness;

Understands the word “no”;

Makes sounds in response to other sounds;

Can display emotion with voice.

2. Other Development

  • Teething. You will notice between 5 and 7 months that your baby will have little tooth buds coming out of the gums. Signs of teething include drooling and fussiness. You can help your baby through this by applying a cool washcloth or giving him or her a cold teething toy. You will need to begin brushing your baby’s new teeth with a soft toothbrush and water or you can try a toddler type toothpaste as long as it does not contain fluoride. Do not use toothpaste that contains fluoride until after the age of 2, because it can be toxic if swallowed.
  • Eating. 7 month old babies usually have already begun solid foods. At this time, your baby may be ready for thicker and chunkier consistencies. Try mashing up veggies and fruits and see how he or she does. They may gag at first, so go slowly with small bites and let them take it in all on their own. Be cautious of giving them more than one new food at a time and always give them a few days to make sure they do not have a reaction such as wheezing, rash, diarrhea or vomiting.

Watch this to learn more about your 7 month old baby's milestones:

How Can I Help My 7 Month Old Baby Develop?

1. Stimulate Their Vision Development

image002Here are some tips to help your baby’s vision development:

  • Center your baby’s crib so that he or she can have a 360-degree of the world. This will help improve distance vision even more.
  • Talk to your baby when you are close and also when you are at a distance to help your baby look all around the room.
  • Place things out of baby’s vision, but leave some of the object showing. This will help your baby’s perception of 3-D.
  • Build forts. Place blankets over two chairs put together and let your baby crawl between them.

2. Support Their Motor Skill Development

image003You can help and give your baby plenty of opportunities for physical and mental growth by giving him or her stimulation. Playing with your baby can help them develop motor skills:

  • Keep a toy just out of your baby’s reach, so he moves his head and eyes to look at it.
  • Allow your baby to get messy. They are learning to use fine motor skills in their hands and fingers.
  • Teach your baby to clap or wave, first by demonstrating and then while holding their hands.
  • Do “tummy time” and place toys in front of them. Also use toys with lights or mirrors. You will notice them kicking their legs and moving their arms. This means they are building up strength for crawling.
  • Help build larger muscle groups by holding them in a sitting position. This helps strengthen the abdominal and back muscles.
  • Sit your baby up and use a spoon to feed them. Opening the mouth helps develop motor skills when eating.

3. Help Your Baby to Obtain More of Their Cognitive and Mental Skills

image004One of the important 7 month milestones is social skills and recognizing people and things. Try these things to help and make your baby smarter:

  • Have a photo album of the family and close friends just for baby. Go through and point while saying people’s names.
  • Give your baby lots of different textures to feel and colors to see. Place blocks in towers and knock them over to show “cause and effect.”
  • Your baby is just about ready for interactive toys this month. Try toys that make sounds or light up when baby does something and helps them see the results of their work.
  • Allow your baby to safely explore his or her world. You can make a “special” bottom drawer full of baby’s toys. Babies love the kitchen drawer with measuring cups and plastic ware. Just make sure the rest of the kitchen is baby proof.

4. Encourage Your Baby’s Language Development

image005You can help build your baby’s speaking skills by doing the following:

  • Talk to your baby during the day. Explain things that you are doing around the house. They may not answer you yet, but they are learning about talking.
  • Make noises and teach your baby how to find where they are coming from.
  • When your baby makes sounds, copy him or her and see if they will mimic you.
  • Your baby needs a rest from noise stimulation. Turn off the TV and radio for a little while and let your baby entertain himself with his own sounds.
  • Read to your baby often. This helps to develop reading, listening and speaking skills.
  • Turn on some music, sing and dance. Sing children’s songs to your baby. They love “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and do the hand movements to further help motor skills.
  • Take your baby on outings to museums, art galleries or the zoo. Tell your baby about the big world he lives in.

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