Fussy Newborn with 7 Causes and 8 Remedies
Fussy newborn can be a big challenge for new parents. Here we list 7 possible causes of a newborn fussiness and 8 effective remedies that can help with such a difficult period.
How Often Do Newborns Poop and Pee?
Many new moms wonder how often do newborns poop and pee. With the basics we shared in this article, you will understand their excretion schedule and how to take care of them.
Baby Sweating
Baby sweating during sleep or feeding is more common than you think. Read on to know how to prevent baby sweating.
Swollen Eyes in Babies
Swollen eyes in babies can be frightening, but fortunately, it is usually caused by something benign. Here is what to expect when your baby has swollen eyes and how to deal with the issue.
Honey for Cough
Honey for cough is commonly used, yet does it safe on kids? Also, when and how to give honey for kids concerns parents. Find your answers and other soothing options here!
Room Temperature for Baby
Proper room temperature for baby is usually between 65⁰F and 74⁰F. Monitor it with a thermometer to maintain stable temperatures throughout the house.