Can I Eat Pineapple During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an extremely crucial and fragile period for women. When you’re pregnant, it is quite likely that you would be advised to eat and not to eat certain foods. Pineapple is often added to the list of foods you should avoid during pregnancy. Though it is packed with minerals and vitamins that can boost the health of you and your unborn baby, certain myths suggest that consuming pineapple in pregnancy can result in a miscarriage as pineapple consists of bromelain which softens your cervix and induces labor. What's the truth about pineapple and pregnancy?

Is It Safe to Eat Pineapple During Pregnancy?

The Answer

Eating one to two cups of fresh pineapple weekly during pregnancy is quite safe for you and your baby. It could be problematic if you eat about seven to ten full pineapples in one go. Nonetheless, it is best to consult your doctor regarding your pineapple consumption. Canned pineapple can be safely consumed as most of the bromelain is extracted during the canning process.

Benefits of Pineapple for Pregnant Women

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C. It stimulates the creation of collagen that helps your baby’s bones, tissues and skin growth. It also gives you iron which helps in the synthesis of blood and folic acid, avoiding birth defects in your baby. Plus, digestive enzymes in pineapple are very helpful for your digestive health. It also contains fiber and less saturated fat, so it helps ease constipations. Vitamin B1 in pineapple strengthens your nervous system and vitamin B6 helps relieve morning sickness.

Potential Risks of Pineapple for Pregnant Women

Now that you know the beneficial link between pineapple and pregnancy, you also need to understand the potential risks. Eating too much pineapple can cause diarrhea and heartburn. Excessive pineapple consumption can increase your bromelain content that weakens your cervix and lead to miscarriage along with skin rash and vomiting. It can result in dangerous uterine contractions in the first trimester. Its high sugar content is harmful for women with gestational diabetes. However, its harmful effects vary from woman to woman, so consult your doctor regarding pineapple and pregnancy.

Does Eating Pineapple Induce Labor?

Pineapple can induce labor, but only when you eat it in a large amount. The bromelain in it softens your cervix and stimulates labor. One pineapple only consists of a small quantity of bromelain. To induce labor, you need to eat around seven to ten pineapples at one time. It is also said that eating pineapple activates your tummy and it in turn kindles your womb and leads to labor. For inducing labor with pineapple, always consume fresh pineapple but not canned pineapple or pineapple juice as both hardly have any bromelain. If you are concerned about preterm labor, then you should consult your doctor and listen to your body. 

What Do Other Mums Say About Pineapple?

Have a look at what women have to say about the association between pineapple and pregnancy.

I consumed lots of pineapple during my first and second pregnancies due to cravings for the food. It never resulted in any problems for me. I did read about pineapples causing problems, but they had been good to me.

My third baby was one week late, so I ate two whole pineapples in two days as someone told me it induced labor. It didn’t induce labor, but my ankles become swollen as I had to urinate often due to the large pineapple consumption.

I would be careful while eating pineapples in pregnancy as I know of a woman who had a huge craving for pineapple in her pregnancy and went into labor in the 34th week due to the large pineapple consumption. She didn’t know of the pineapple and pregnancy connection, but after finding it out, she believed pineapple stimulated her early labor.

I ate a lot of pineapple in my pregnancy, but stopped it after the 13th week as people advised me not to eat anymore. I didn’t eat any foods that could induce early labor, but still I had my baby four weeks early, so I think that pineapples might be harmful for pregnant women.

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