Upset Stomach in Baby

image001Babies that have an upset stomach or gas will appear to be quite uncomfortable. However, they do not need medical attention. It is advised that parents contact their baby’s doctor if they notice that their baby looks ill. Reflux, food intolerance, colic, constipation, an intestinal blockage or a stomach bug are some of the common causes of gas and stomach pain in infants. There are a number of home remedies that can help ease the symptoms of a stomach upset and help your baby feel better. Parents are supposed to talk these home treatments over with their child’s pediatrician before they use them so as to be sure that they are appropriate.

What Causes Upset Stomach in Baby?

Does your baby seem to be unusually fussy? It could be that she has a tummy ache. Pay attention to when your little one seems uncomfortable. Is it is almost immediately after feeding? You should also be very keen to notice other symptoms that your baby might have such as vomiting, diarrhea or fever. Use this information to help you and your little one’s doctor, if necessary, to figure out what is going on. Below are some of the most common conditions that cause stomach pain in babies.




This is a term that describes uncontrollable baby crying in a baby that is healthy. It is unfortunate that there is no cure for colic. Doctors and parent, however, have plenty of suggestions on how to soothe the pain and tears.

Gas pain

This is very common in babies during the first three months as their intestines are still maturing. Babies also experience gas pain between 6 and 12 months as they try different kinds of foods for the first time.


Constipation is one of the most common problems in babies who are just being introduced to solid foods. A sign of constipation is your baby having dry and hard stool that is hard for her to pass. You can help ease constipation by feeding your baby on foods that produce looser stool like apricot, oatmeal, pears, peas and prunes.


Babies often spit up a little, or even vomit every once in a while. When this happens very often, it is called reflux. Reflux happens when the valve that is between the stomach and esophagus is not functioning as expected, making this gastric acid and food gurgle up into the throat from the stomach. Reflux causes a burning sensation in the throat and an upset stomach. Many babies outgrow reflux on reaching one year.

Stomach flu

If your baby is suffering diarrhea or frequent vomiting, then she could be suffering from stomach flu. Stomach flu can lead to dehydration (if the flu is causing your baby to have diarrhea or to vomit), loss of appetite and fever.

Other infections

Infections like flu and the common cold can make your baby suffer from tummy aches. A lot of mucus is produced in the respiratory system that drops down to the throat. The mucus can irritate the stomach.

Food allergies

Allergies to certain foods can cause stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Food allergies may also cause your baby to have an itchy rash or bloody stool.

Intestinal blockage

One minute your baby looks fine, and the other she is drawing her legs up crying in pain. This is a symptom of your child having intestinal blockage. You should call your baby’s pediatrician immediately or take your baby to hospital as soon as possible.

Poisonous substance

If your child has taken something toxic, like a chemical, drug or a plant, then she might suffer vomiting, and severe stomach ache. Call a doctor immediately if you suspect this to be the case.

Motion sickness

Does your baby seem to be ill or does she vomit during trips in your car or in other vehicles? Then this means that your baby suffers motion sickness. You can try giving your baby breaks during long rides so as to get some fresh air.

How to Ease Upset Stomach in Baby

1. Be Patient

Your baby thrives from your love, as she understands nothing less or nothing more than love. When babies cry, they expect you to fix their problem, as crying is the only way they can ask for your help. The easiest way of soothing your baby is by using patience. When you hold your baby, do it in a way that they feel your warmth and they can sense love and patience from you. When you do this, your baby will calm own.

2. Do Not over or under Bundle Your Baby

A too hot or too cold room can make your little one cranky. Under bundling or over bundling your baby might make your baby too cold or too warm and she can become cranky. Many parents can mistake this discomfort for a gassy baby. Besides gas, one of the biggest and most common things that can upset your baby is a room that is too cold or too hot.

3. Give Your Baby a Massage

A light massage can give a gassy baby relief. It can help move gas bubbles along. You can also help a baby be more relaxed and comfortable by placing her in a warm bath.

Watch the video below to learn how to massage your baby:

4. Burp Your Baby

fussy or gassy babies might be full of air that they swallowed during feeding sessions. Making her burp can help reduce air building up in her belly. Hold your baby upright against a shoulder and pat her back until she burps.

5. Apply Heat on Your Baby’s Tummy

place a heating pad or a bottle of hot water on your little child’s tummy when she is lying or sitting down. This helps to relieve some pain.

6. Feed Babies with Bland Food

if your baby still has an appetite despite the tummy ache, allow him to eat small amounts of plain food like pasta, toast, yogurt, oatmeal, applesauce and rice. Bland foods are easier to digest, and irritate the stomach less.

7. Keep Using the CRAP Diet

CRAP diet stands for foods that can naturally loosen things up; Cherries, Raisins, Apricots and Prunes.

The video below will tell you about a lavender flower-infused olive oil remedy that can make a great topical balm for upset stomach in baby:

Good Foods and Drinks for Upset Stomach in Baby

Foods and Drinks



Babies under 6 months should only be fed formula or breast milk.


Once you are advised by a pediatrician that your baby is ready to eat solid foods, start with bland foods. Cereals that are fortified with vitamins are recommended.

Vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. They contain many nutrients that help a child’s body to heal when she is sick.


Yogurt is very nutritious and provides the baby with required nutrition.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is a good home remedy for simple stomach upsets, as it contains sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.


Fresh ginger tea is good for your baby. Ginger is a strong antioxidant that helps to decrease the production of free radicals.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint is not only refreshing, but is also helps to ease tummy ache.

When to Seek Medical Help

If your child has any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor:

  • Sticky and dry mouth
  • Mucus or blood in stool
  • Constant fever
  • Less or more activity than usual
  • Absence of tears when crying
  • Baby not urinating for 6 hours
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting

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