How to Help Your Child Overcome Stage Fright

Nothing brings more joy to a parent than seeing their baby performing confidently in front of a hall full of people. Even so, most children struggle with stage fright. The good news is that stage fright is common among performers, even the elite ones. A lot of famous celebrities still suffer from stage fright, even after years of performing before large crowds. Therefore, if your little one is showing signs of stage fright, it is completely normal.

Even so, you shouldn’t let this fear take over your child’s love for performing. If you notice that your child gets worked up every time they have to perform before a crowd, you need to help them work on their confidence.

How to Help a Child with Stage Fright

  1. 1. Learn About the Child’s Fears  

This is the very first step any parent should take after they notice that their child suffers from stage fright. Take time to try and understand why your child is scared of performing on stage. Learn what exactly is bothering your child, which symptoms are most pronounced and which ones are hidden. Once you understand the cause, you are well placed to help them overcome these fears.

  1. 2. Help Them with Preparation for the Performance

Take time to help your child prepare for their performance. Help them with their lines and moves if any. This will go a long way in helping to build their confidence. Your affirmations as you rehearse together will give them the assurance that they are well prepared for the presentation.

  1. 3. Take Care of His Appearance

It’s possible that your child’s stage fright is as a result of them being conscious of their appearance. You need to ensure that they look their best during the presentation. If they’re conscious of any part of their body, reassure them that they look fantastic by throwing in complements during preparations. This is how to help a child with stage fright.

  1. 4. Conduct Rehearsals the Day before the Big Performance

If possible, you can take your child to the stage where they will be performing for rehearsals. This helps them to get used to their surroundings and eases the pressure they may have about the performance.

  1. 5. Help Them Focus on the Performance

Ask your child not to focus too much on their fears. Let them know that the only thing that matters on that stage is their performance and not what the audience thinks or how they react. When they do this, they’ll be able to execute better and focus on what really matters.

  1. 6. Encourage Them to Participate in More Performance Oriented Activities

The secret to overcoming one’s fear is by facing it. Therefore, encourage your child to sign up for more events that involve performing in front of large crowds. When they make it a routine, they will eventually get used to the huge crowds, and this helps get rid of their stage fright.

  1. 7. Teach Them Relaxation Techniques

Wondering how to help a child with stage fright? Teach them how to relax whenever they are tense. Deep breathing is a good relaxation technique that helps with overcoming fears. Through deep breathing, the body is able to relax, the mind is soothed and it relieves the piled-up pressure. Teach your child to shut their eyes and breathe in and out for a moment.

  1.  8. Assure Them That You Will Be There the Entire Time

There is something calming about a child knowing that their parent is within reach. Therefore, take time to assure your child that you will attend their performance.  Let them feel that this is as important as to you as it is to them. Let them know that you love them and no matter the outcome, you are proud of them. Ensure you take a seat in a strategic position. Let them see you in the crowd during their performance. This will do wonders for their confidence.

  1. 9. Appreciate Their Performance

After the rehearsals and preparation, the day will come and the child will perform on that stage. Let them know that you appreciate their confidence and performance. Avoid scolding them for forgetting lines or moves. Appreciate them and encourage them to perform better the next time. Scolding them or picking on their mistakes will only do worse for their self-esteem. Your child needs to know that you always have their back.

Possible Causes of Stage Fright

Now that you know how to help a child with stage fright, it is equally important to know the common causes of this phenomenon. They can experience stage fright because:

  • They lack confidence in their performance
  • The child has previously suffered failure or ridicule when on stage
  • The child compares themselves to other performers who are probably better than them
  • The child has low self-esteem
  • The child is worried about being laughed at while performing

Once you understand the symptoms as well as causes of stage fright, you are better placed to help your child with this fear. In time, they will build on their stage confidence. 

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